Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Thursday, March 16, 2006


At last my friends, I have been reunited with my beloved creation, who equals the quality:time ratio of my suzuki and miyagi...... that's right, ladies and gentlemen and adam, allow me to reintroduce you to....


Preserved through the painstaking labor of Mr. Jordan Torbiak, copy and pasted to this very page. (actually i noticed it a long time ago, and tried to post it, but i didn't realize blogger didn't do .bmp, so i finally realized to change it to a .jpg.....stupid paint....) I believe i have shown myself to be quite the artiste....and one day, i will get back to real posting, so just you all wait. G'Day.

PS) Also, its official i'm coming back on Aug. 20th, till the 10th, so like, have the special pins, and the party hats ready and placed upon the waitresses at moxie's. And adam, i'm still waiting for the flight money.....

Monday, March 13, 2006

Further Defacement of Hobobo

Yeah i was bored during my little spare here, and since this appears to be the general trend these days, and is such a delightful little activity, i just thought i would post a little of my own twist on the many faces of Ben-Gene Nilsson:

Señor Socko Suzukified

Miyagification of the Man Who Cannot Spell His Own Name On His Personalized Bunnyhug (Hoodie)

As you can see, i attempted to even oblongify the images, to add that extra suzuki touch. Yes, i know, i'm bored... G'day.

PS) yes....the miyagi one did take me 30 seconds... don't forget the quality:time ratio

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Blue moon time...

Just a quick little post - i'll try me best to post again soon (i really dun mean not to, its just i seriously have no time) - but yeah just wanted to tells y'all that i'm going for the 20 day one, but its end of august (aug 20th or so, to the start of school). Adam i'll send you my address so that you can send me the cash i need for me flight, and thank you for your gracious donation :D

In other news, i hate organic chem. Why? Cause you can memorize all the reaction mechanisms, and be ale to apply them with lightning quick reflexes, but you'll stll fail the tests. Why? cause they give you an hour, to do like 10 huge written resonse questions, and like every mistake you make gets deducted from your score..... the averge is almost 40 in that class, its sad. Mnd you i didn't fail the test, because if i did i woulnd't be blogging with ou right now, but still..... i miss high school..... no actually not really, but i kinda miss physics 30 with mr nige, gordo, beeno, and trung the oompa loompa midget-thang, and also cts 7 with prof. horatio. but anyways, this was a crapy post, but i felt obliged to make one, after all of ou have so wonderfully touched my heart with your plentiful comments.....awwwww


Monday, March 06, 2006

Back to the bert?

Greetings 2 and a half viewers. Long time no blog, but like just wanted to tells ya, that i prolly be coming home for a bit in the summer, the question is when? I gotta take summer school here, but i have a break after this semester for like ten days in early may. I also got a break after the summer semester, for twice as long, but you would have had to wait for me twice as long since you last saw me. So ten days in may? Or 20 days, in August? Yes, i know its crap, but what can i do, its crippity crap school. And i promise you nigel, i'll see you for more than 20 minutes this time.......sowwie...... lots and lots and lots of crap happened at home in christmas, and so like i had hardly time for horatio.....

Anyways, i'm prolly gonna take the 20 day one, but let me know what you would prefer? I honestly need some nintendo, and risk in my life....sadly i do....:(