At last my friends, I have been reunited with my beloved creation, who equals the quality:time ratio of my suzuki and miyagi...... that's right, ladies and gentlemen and adam, allow me to reintroduce you to....
Preserved through the painstaking labor of Mr. Jordan Torbiak, copy and pasted to this very page. (actually i noticed it a long time ago, and tried to post it, but i didn't realize blogger didn't do .bmp, so i finally realized to change it to a .jpg.....stupid paint....) I believe i have shown myself to be quite the artiste....and one day, i will get back to real posting, so just you all wait. G'Day.
PS) Also, its official i'm coming back on Aug. 20th, till the 10th, so like, have the special pins, and the party hats ready and placed upon the waitresses at moxie's. And adam, i'm still waiting for the flight money.....
yay, tis a grand picture one i had forgotten about but am happy it has made its way back into my life. Huzzah!
also the moneys on its way.......
and if you dont get it with in 10 days blame Canada Post!
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
Upchuck McNugget arose from the tomb.
Jesus wept.
torbiak, at 1:53 AM
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