Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Monday, March 13, 2006

Further Defacement of Hobobo

Yeah i was bored during my little spare here, and since this appears to be the general trend these days, and is such a delightful little activity, i just thought i would post a little of my own twist on the many faces of Ben-Gene Nilsson:

Señor Socko Suzukified

Miyagification of the Man Who Cannot Spell His Own Name On His Personalized Bunnyhug (Hoodie)

As you can see, i attempted to even oblongify the images, to add that extra suzuki touch. Yes, i know, i'm bored... G'day.

PS) yes....the miyagi one did take me 30 seconds... don't forget the quality:time ratio


  • GeneSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzuki!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:49 PM  

  • Finally, a Suzuki I can respect...again.

    By Blogger torbiak, at 2:45 AM  

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