Of Bums, Garbagemen hides, and Empires....
Me and Benjiman's (note improper spelling of benjamin) convo, regarding the restructuring of Canada's social structure..................................
MAJID: you there benji
BEN: MEESTER IQMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BEN: i'm sadly still here
MAJID: ha, loser
BEN: yeah, what've you been doing?
MAJID: i went out
BEN: ooo
MAJID: yeah
BEN: to the big outside?
MAJID: damn right
BEN: that place's too scary
MAJID: it is pretty scary when all you see are skyscrapers
BEN: and homeless ppl
MAJID: no not in this area
MAJID: couple blocks away
BEN: how handy
BEN: i was approached by a homeless man yesterday
MAJID: whats wrong with homeless ppl?
BEN: i gave him a dollar
BEN: first time i ever gave a homeless ppl money
BEN: didn't make me feel any better
MAJID: what?!!! who gives money
MAJID: its their own damn fault
MAJID: they made bad financial decisions
MAJID: now they pay
BEN: a true albertan
BEN: *tear*
MAJID: i don't know why they bum around the uni, cause no kid is gonna give them money
BEN: no shit
MAJID: i would go on yonge street, hundreds of ppl
MAJID: tho they prolly get trampled
MAJID: but tis the price you pay
BEN: i would just live in a dumpster
BEN: and eat out of a dumpster
BEN: and wait forthe dump truck to come
BEN: then i'd mug the garbage man
MAJID: whoa....that's brilliant
BEN: isn't it though?
MAJID: then you would switch places with him
BEN: no
MAJID: he would be the bum
BEN: just switch dumpsters
BEN: and follow the rotation for garbage day
MAJID: what if you mug the same garbage man
MAJID: he'll catch on soon enough
BEN: lots of garbage men
MAJID: and tell his garbage buddies about you
BEN: hmm
MAJID: theyre too smart ben
BEN: unless i kill them all
MAJID: better mug the rich one first, and then get out of there
BEN: then they can't talk, and they get replaced by fresh garbage men
MAJID: where would you throw the body?
BEN: ...
BEN: that's the most retarded question ever
MAJID: you can't throw it in your home, you'd feel guilt forever
BEN: lol
MAJID: just dress them up as bums, and lay them on the street
MAJID: no one will notice
BEN: that's true brilliance
MAJID: or carry them around in your shopping cart, till you can find a better location
MAJID: all bums have shopping carts
BEN: unless they live in dumpsters
BEN: then you pretty much live in a giant shopping cart
MAJID: but you can't wheel it around
MAJID: and then you can't wheel bodies around
BEN: i could kill a bum and take HIS shopping cart
MAJID: you could eat the bodies......hmmmm
MAJID: as food
MAJID: and then use their clothes as your own.....
BEN: but then you wouldn't look like a bum anymore
MAJID: and then create a tent out in the desert from their hides
BEN: you need to blend in to ambush the garbagemen
BEN: the desert right beside
MAJID: close enough
MAJID: desert, wetlands, same thing
MAJID: neither of them have ducks
BEN: ...
BEN: wetlands don't have ducks?
MAJID: they are dead
BEN: maybe if you fill them with dead bodies...
MAJID: or feed teh bodies to the ducks
MAJID: thus helping the environment
MAJID: and increasing duck population
MAJID: and increasing your food supply
MAJID: cause you eat ducks
BEN: ducks do taste better than people
MAJID: maybe
BEN: however, when eating out of a dumpster you can't be too picky
MAJID: or you could just steal from grocery stores, and not kill ppl
MAJID: and then rob seven elevens
BEN: not nearly as cool as killing garbagemen and building a palace in the wetlands out of their collective hides
BEN: it's more original
MAJID: yeah, but i don't think bums have the sewing skills
BEN: i would
BEN: actually...
MAJID: you need to go to uni for that
BEN: i've never sewed in my life
BEN: but i'd learn dammit
MAJID: i don't think bums have this macgyver-like prowess that you possess
BEN: that's why i'd stand out
BEN: become the king of the bums
BEN: in my palace
MAJID: of hides
BEN: of garbagemen
MAJID: interesting
BEN: truly an inspirational story to all
MAJID: then you can expand your empire
MAJID: into new enterprises
MAJID: you could run the town
BEN: become the new mob...
BEN: a mob of bums
BEN: i'd rather create my own suburb
MAJID: scarborough has a lot of bums, you can go there
BEN: nah, i'd rather start fresh
BEN: dammit majid
MAJID: i don't think that would be too economical
BEN: attracting bums?
MAJID: no creating a new suburb
BEN: oh
MAJID: it'll be too far to commute
BEN: i guess
BEN: that would be a problem
MAJID: gas prices are soaring
BEN: unless i built a fleet of mobile dumpsters
MAJID: and then traffic
BEN: pulled by bums
MAJID: hmmmm
BEN: no one's gonna hit a dumpster
MAJID: but they would hit bums
MAJID: they need some kind of protection
BEN: hmm
BEN: bums are fairly expendable though
MAJID: true, plus you could use their skin to build more housing
BEN: lol
BEN: clever
MAJID: bums that recycle
BEN: the trick is to not value human life whatsoever
MAJID: which goes back to why you shouldn't give money to bums
BEN: just kill them?
MAJID: just let them go on with their lives in peace
BEN: perhaps
BEN: i've truly learned something today
MAJID: haven't we all
MAJID: this was quite the enlightening discussion
MAJID: i'll get nigel to post it on his blog....
BEN: yeah
BEN: i actually saved it
MAJID: i wouldn't feel bad, i was thinking t was save worthy
BEN: and now it must end
BEN: as i am going to go eat some pork roast
MAJID: i shall eat george forman hamburgers
BEN: good day then
MAJID: good day
..............................You should feel ten times smarter now
i smarter now!
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM
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