Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

P dot in the T dot (Volume 1)

Honestly i don't know where t-dot came from, or why ppl say it. But i shall call myself P-dot, cause it rhymes, and my name is the prince. Well just for future notice, i'll be adding a special series of post called "P dot in the T dot". It will be about my adventures in the big city of toronto.

I'll give you a little taste first, i won't tell you everything that happened to me my first few days here, for i do not want to write for too long. I will start my story off in kingston, right before the big move. It may not be very t-dotish but who cares, its my blog.

So anyways, the whole week in kingston i cleaned th place and stuff, pretty good. I used my good friend Mr. Clean, because there is nothing Mr. clean can't do. Mildew in the bath clean. marks on the clean. stain on the its ass. Out of clean will do the trick. Mr. Clean is my hero. Him and Pete Sampras. Anyways on the inspection day the guy spent like two seconds looking at it, and said it was fine. I spent all this time cleaning baseboards, and window sills, and the oven (and burned myself), and the tub, and vacuuming, and this guy walks in and out in like twenty seconds. Never once looking at my beautiful work. I was sad. Turns out in ontario, you don't pay a damage deposit, and so you won't get charged if your place looks like crap. i could have literally left crap on the floor and they would not care (not to say i didn't...). But anyways, the moral is, if you live in ontario, feel free to leave defecation anywhere, cause the landlords are retarded. coincidentally adam, plane tickets to ontario are cheap now.

So yeah, we were told awhile ago that we could leave the morning of the 1st, but they call us two days before and tell us to move out 3:00 on the 31st. We couldn't move in to TO, till the 1st. This was a prolem. So where do we stay? We were supposed to get teh uhaul on teh 31st, but they suck, just like telus. We waited all day, but they had not truck for us, those bastards. And so we had no place to put our stuff nor ourselves.

Teh goddamn landlords lied, and said they needed to steam clean on teh 31st, but they never showed. And so we took a big risk, and stayed teh night in teh apartment. That's illegal btw, but whatcha ya gon do? We had everything packed, cept we kept some mattresses to sleep on. we woke up at 5 am, and moved all the stuff outside on to the ground, infront of the apartment. We still had no truck, and all our stuff was on the dirt, and it was rainy the last few days cause of the hurricane. Luckily it was not raining at that moment.

So we went to u haul, the main station, 20 dollar taxi. And we got in the line of like ten ppl. One guy was working the till, and he was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow. he literally took 20 minutes per customer. and so we were in line for 2 hours. We get to the front and what does he say? "I'm sorry we have nothing available". WTF!!! Anger started to flicker inside me, but i kept cool. He gave away like four trucks before us, to the ppl ahead of us, and then like four more after we got out of line, which didn't make sense. And there were like 20 trucks still outside. Anyways, my bro was like, "we're gonna wait here till we get a truck. And for 3 hours, we waited, sitting on a boxes.

Finally we get the truck, at a tremendous discount.......5% off. We took it though, what the hell else could we do. WE drove teh big ass truck back to the apartment, it was now 1:00 in the afternoon. i did not sleep the night before, and i was very tired. We packed all the shit in the truck, which was remarkably still there, and in good condition, cept for a goddamn squirrel got into one of the food boxes. Nobody eats my crackers.......nobody.

We packed all the stuff fast, cause we needed to get to our apartment before 4:30, so that we could get our keys........

What happens next? Find out next time, on "P dot in tht T dot". Same bat time, same bat channel.


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