Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Beauty and the beast

Tale as old as as old as rhyme........

What more can be said about one of the most beloved love stories of our time? Small town girl, falls in love with big ass beast, who inside, is as beautiful as a mist on a rainbowy day (NOTE: I like mists and rainbows).......... Beautiful as me one would say, cept i'm just as beautiful on the outside...

But don't you see a problem? Not with me (cause clearly i have none, cause i am perfect) but with beast. I mean why do we call him beast? He must have a name, right? Like, how could his name possibly be beast?

At the beginning of the movie, he was a prince, like myself. Then he didn't take this stupid flower, and then he was turned into a beast. What was his name before? It couldn't have been Prince Beast III, cause that's just absurd! So what's the word? Hey look, a bird................sorry *shameface emoticon*.

Though it is possible that a man change his name so that he may be recognized publicly as one name. Like Ronaldo. But ronaldo's real name is ronaldo, and he just cuts off the middle and last names. Many up and coming stars however are name ronaldo, but must change their names to something else, like ronaldinho. I'm serious, for those who know who that is, his real name is ronaldo. So if we assume beast had a real name before, then what was it? Franco? Ronaldo? Nigel?.....Snowball?

But at the end of all things his name doesn't really matter to us, for he is known only as "THE BEAST". But to belle......... what the hell does belle call beast? See his name doesn't affect us outsiders, but it affects belle. Belle is now his wife! Belle deserves to know his real name!

"Beast honey, i'm just going to go put on something more comfortable"; that just sounds weird. In everyday situations he is referred to as the beast. When he has kids, do they refer to him as daddy beast? When the mailman comes, is he like "Hullo Mr. Beast, I got a subpoena for you, for that time you sexually harrassed Mrs. Potts"? When he starts his medical practice, do you think ppl want to come to Dr. Beast's clinic? I think not. So he must have a name, and we must find it out, or give him one. That's where commenters come in.....:)
But worse still what is Belle's last name?....... is she belle beast? Poor girl. She should be with someone like me..........Belle Fabulous He, PhD......think about hun.......


  • well Mr. Majid, im pretty sure i have an answer for you. you may not like it as i always go to the original text(like the aladdin) and not on the Dysney version. the first thing i noticed was Belle's name. first of all the story is called Beauty and the beast, we have the prince named beast and the lovely girl named Belle. when i first saw her name i saw Beauty, for you see that Belle in spanish means beauty. although this is a french tale, i wonder if the french word for beauty is similar to spanish and italian (both of which are belle)? so if that is so then we have Beauty and the Beast both refering to the names of the two characters in the story. Incedently the title in french is "Belle et la bete" so im going to assume that Belle as well means Beauty in french.
    secondly i would have you look at the characters themselves. Belle has her name because not only was she beautiful and she was perfect in every way because she was beautiful. Mr. Majid, here is the few lines of the original story for you to read which shows my point.

    "There was once a very rich merchant, who had six children, three sons, and three daughters; being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education, but gave them all kinds of masters. His daughters were extremely handsome, especially the youngest. When she was little everybody admired her, and called her "The little
    Beauty;" so that, as she grew up, she still went by the name of Beauty, which made her sisters very jealous.
    The youngest, as she was handsomer, was also better than her sisters."

    as you see they called her Beauty because of her looks and she was better then her sisters. now we have the character of the beast. i shall give you part of the story which beast gives his name (this is what the beast says to belle's father as he was about to leave the castle with the flower).

    "The merchant fell on his knees, and lifted up both his hands, "My lord," said he, "I beseech you to forgive me, indeed I had no intention to offend in gathering a rose for one of my daughters, who desired me to bring her one."
    "My name is not My Lord," replied the monster, "but Beast; I don't love compliments, not I. I like people to speak as they think;"
    as you can see he calls himself beast.

    i'am sure the reason for him being called beast has to do with how people see you and how you are on the inside but then again i could be very wrong.
    before this gets any longer i shall leave you with the last line in the story.

    "Immediately the fairy gave a stroke with her wand, and in a moment all that were in the hall were transported into the prince's dominions. His subjects received him with joy. He married Beauty, and lived with her many years, and their happiness -- as it was founded on virtue -- was complete."

    strange when he turns back into the prince that they refer to him as "prince" so perhaps this is his real name.
    so this is what i believe: that belle, her name is beauty, and that the beasts name is one of the fallowing; beast, prince, prince beast, or lastly beast prince.
    ~Da Professor

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:53 PM  

  • just a note: i made i mistake, i meant to say that belle has her name not only because she beautiful but also because she is prefect in every way, what i said doesnt really make any sense but i noticed it too late.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 PM  

  • i agree with you senor, and belle is french for beauty. Clearly i realized this when i was two years old, cause i was fluent in friench. But that still doesn't escape the fact that the beast has a real name. And belle wouldn't call her husband prince. Even though i am called prince, by a certain someone, for she does not know my real name.......

    That's beside the point, but your research is well done, finally we agree on something (we agree that his name is symbolic of his outer beauty). But alladin is still brown. And grimace is still the actor that plays beast in teh disney version. Yeah that's right, it wasn't a cartoon, it was just really good costumes......

    By Blogger Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD, at 10:53 PM  

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