Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Well Prince Ali fans.....tis been too long....too long....

Many a day have you waited for this moment, and i will try not to dissapoint. I wish i could say that this will be the longest period of time that i ever leave you, but i cannot promise anything. I can only give you the prince ali promise that he will do everything in his power to blog. Thus i am planning the addition of some new regular post categories.....dunh dunh Dunh!!!

and they are.....

Prince's Past Ponderations & Snowball Says.

The first will be of past recollections, which are ever so fun, and knowing me they are very racy, sexy, eventful, action-pact... The latter will be of the ever-so-lovable snowball's (snow-bu) philosophical ramblings. This is basically in response to Tanooki's crippity crap crap i must show him how a real stuffed animal with style talks.

I may try to recap my crazy last two months, of which i did not blog to often, but at this point in time, so much stuff has happened, that i forget it all..........but it will come back through time, and i'm sure snowball will bring it up, in his numerous posts.......

But in case you don't know who snowball is, i'll let him introduce himself...

*splinter voice* Hello my pupils. I am the one whom is refered to as Snowball. Many of you already know this. In fact all who know young Majid, must know of me, for we are one he and I, we are like the earth and sky, one family under the sun. Tears of pain, tears of joy, ones that nothing can destroy, we are more than we are, we are one (only the protector of Mercapto would know where that rhyme is from). For 13 years i have observed this world, and have often contemplated the images I have received from it in my corner of contemplation. I have learned much. And hopefully through my posts, I will be able to share my conclusions with you. I do not know all, my dear friends, but i know what i know, and what i know you should know, for what i know and what you know was meant to be known by all that have the knowledge to know (the only exception is scott jones....everything must be said behind his back).

Snowball Iqbal is a simple monkey...though he often refers to himself in third person. I was freed from the family fun centre by the one an only Prince Ali and his 1000 points. There i was forced to leave my good brothers of different races...but they were just gorillas, with no brains, and Majid picked me, for he saw that i was more than just a stuffed monkey. The lone white symbolic, for majid for so long was the lone brown human...though this decision was most likely made unconsciously. But that was the moment i was truly born. And later that day, i was named. Snowball...may not sound original, but it was to Majid. The last name actually played no part in the naming, but it is quite the funny coincidence. Though, what's important , is that from that moment, i have developed into the thing that you see before you, the thing that types these very words right now. We are not so different you and i....both born...both named....(both white...hehe...i kid i kid...i'm not racist...)....Perhaps we shall see this in my future i say to you, good day....


  • yay! majids back.....
    unfortunately only my self and possible nigel will come here and nigel may not come for hes lost hope that you would ever return to the world of blogging.....
    but we shall not ruin this moment with such talk, i will enjoy this moment when your blog has once again graced our most wonderful world. good day good sir :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:48 PM  

  • My mouse broke. It sends random clicks whenever the left button is pressed, making selecting text difficult. Should I buy a new one? If so, should it be cordless? And, if so, should it be laser as opposed to the lesser optical types? And, if so, should I dispose of my 30$ mousepad that I bought because it was the only mouspad in the store?

    Consider my queries carefully.

    By Blogger torbiak, at 11:47 PM  

  • wow!! your best turn out ever! some one other than me and nigel commenting, yay mr. majid:)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:03 PM  

  • An optical mouse is by far preferable to a wheel mouse. But even they deserve 30 dollar mousepads, thus i suggest you keep it. I agree with the tanooki, you should definately disect your old mouse, and then add a laser, and make it optical. Its cheaper and funner (:D) than buying one....

    And adam....why must you be hatin........*sniff*.....other ppl read my blog...they just don't comment cause they are jerks....and they like making me feel lonely....

    By Blogger Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD, at 11:40 PM  

  • Yeah, my mouse is now fixed. Some fluff finagled the switch. No new mouse. :(

    By Blogger torbiak, at 1:36 AM  

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