Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Friday, December 09, 2005

Where has all the class gone?

The year of classes have officialy come to an end. Today I attended my last stats class, and now must prepare for my two exams, orgo and stats. Thus to further my procastination, i thought i would provide a point form description of my school year thus far (and i know how y'all love lists):

- This school is bigger than queens
- this school ain't so big, pretty compressed
- 1500 ppl do fit in a room
- 2500 asians fit in this same room (ohhhhhhhh)
- ppl don't like to talk in class
- wooden seats hurt my bottom
- rlgn class is where i get my best sleep and apparently my best mark
- there is a negative correlation between hard work and higher marks
- ppl say i should be a TA...cause i teach well
- my marks don't meet up to TA standards, and definately not my standards
- First year classes are much harder here in the t dot, than queens, way harder
- I know they are way harder than u of l, cause i help my cousin with his work.....easy!!!
- Arts classes are more fun than science, yet they have little practical value
- I hardly study for a harder course, i get A+
- I study hard for an easier course, i get B-
- I don't like B-'s.....grrr
- you can only get a max of 17/20 on an essay....its stupid....grrr....
- For two motnhs stratight, all i did was work, and it still didn't seem like it was enough, based off marks
- I didn't get dumber....i know i didn't....did I?
- why is the class average always below 60%?
- my shx prof fully admits to his watching of soap operas
- my mechanics prof (physics) smells like smoke
- my waves prof (physics) jumped up and down laughing like a small child, when the class did the wave, and then the pressure wave
- my new physics prof (electromagnetism) looks like a man, but is not....i think......
- my pregnant chem prof ditched us, and left us with some russian prof
- only 20 ppl go to chem now....poor guy.....
- russian prof, just speeds through the lecture at like 6 slides a minute, and then the rest of the 2 hour lecture (approx. 1 h 4o min) doing messy examples on the board....then uses the same board right after for the next example, before anyone can copy it....
- i've come to realize why no one goes to chem anymore, not even myself
- I wanna make silly putty in chem, not do all that vacuum filtration crap
- we never used a pipette in chem!!! yay!!!!
- I love fishes cause they're so delicious
- it takes me the two bohemian rhapsodies (fugees, queen) to walk to school every day
- ppl don't see the real me right....the just see my acne pro'lem
- I haven't played squash in forever
- can't wait to finally play, damn you college , you better be open!!!
- 2 more weeks.....and i can finally be at peace in lethbridge
- 2 more weeks and one day....i'll be bored of lethbridge
- I'm thinking i might switch out of science and becoming an arts prof
- in arts you speak your own heart, something you can't do in science at this point in my life
- why do ppl become engineers or computer scientists?
- i got six comments last post (2 Torbiak ones!!! YAY!!!)
- why do ppl go in engineering? Jordan?
- i'm hoping that it is six courses that is making this semester appear hard, and not my deteriating brain
- i'm sorry that i have seem distant these past two months or so....twas life....blame life....
- i shall never leave my precious blog again!!!
- i forget why i started this sec....
- oh i see.....
- very well perhaps i end now.....
- good day
- y'all


  • you eat too many chocolate bars!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:51 PM  

  • when you get back we play squash every day!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:53 PM  

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