Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Monday, December 12, 2005


For the first time in my life,
I fear the result of my strife,
I have been unprepared,
But never was I scared,
But now my overconfidence,
Hath been exposed ever since,
I laid eyes on my work,
Without my usual smirk,
For now i'm truly being tested,
And perhaps this time i've been bested,
I knew it was going to be rough,
But that was never good enough,
All that time i made it wait,
Now it's too little too late,
I put the work off to the end,
When really i was supposed to bend,
Bend, and change my ways,
Instead of ignoring it for days,
But its not like it will kill me,
Though my failure doesn't thrill me,
I will fare better than will most,
But it is hardly a thing to boast,
In this dark sea i lie here weltered,
All this time thinking I was shletered,
By my gift i thought enchanted,
That i too soon took for granted,
Though luck can still be had,
And it may not be that bad,
I do not mean to insult,
But I want only high result,
I have set my bar very high,
Though i cannot see why,
I now see, in my displeasure,
My true ability they do not measure,
But this is no excuse,
I can blame only my abuse,
Of the skills i have been given,
Due to them i've not been driven,
I've thought i had the drive,
But it takes much work to strive,
I must vow to beat the herds,
But again these are just words,
It is through action it may seem,
That i will ever reach my dream,
From future failure, i must detach,
But today, I've met my match.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Where has all the class gone?

The year of classes have officialy come to an end. Today I attended my last stats class, and now must prepare for my two exams, orgo and stats. Thus to further my procastination, i thought i would provide a point form description of my school year thus far (and i know how y'all love lists):

- This school is bigger than queens
- this school ain't so big, pretty compressed
- 1500 ppl do fit in a room
- 2500 asians fit in this same room (ohhhhhhhh)
- ppl don't like to talk in class
- wooden seats hurt my bottom
- rlgn class is where i get my best sleep and apparently my best mark
- there is a negative correlation between hard work and higher marks
- ppl say i should be a TA...cause i teach well
- my marks don't meet up to TA standards, and definately not my standards
- First year classes are much harder here in the t dot, than queens, way harder
- I know they are way harder than u of l, cause i help my cousin with his work.....easy!!!
- Arts classes are more fun than science, yet they have little practical value
- I hardly study for a harder course, i get A+
- I study hard for an easier course, i get B-
- I don't like B-'s.....grrr
- you can only get a max of 17/20 on an essay....its stupid....grrr....
- For two motnhs stratight, all i did was work, and it still didn't seem like it was enough, based off marks
- I didn't get dumber....i know i didn't....did I?
- why is the class average always below 60%?
- my shx prof fully admits to his watching of soap operas
- my mechanics prof (physics) smells like smoke
- my waves prof (physics) jumped up and down laughing like a small child, when the class did the wave, and then the pressure wave
- my new physics prof (electromagnetism) looks like a man, but is not....i think......
- my pregnant chem prof ditched us, and left us with some russian prof
- only 20 ppl go to chem now....poor guy.....
- russian prof, just speeds through the lecture at like 6 slides a minute, and then the rest of the 2 hour lecture (approx. 1 h 4o min) doing messy examples on the board....then uses the same board right after for the next example, before anyone can copy it....
- i've come to realize why no one goes to chem anymore, not even myself
- I wanna make silly putty in chem, not do all that vacuum filtration crap
- we never used a pipette in chem!!! yay!!!!
- I love fishes cause they're so delicious
- it takes me the two bohemian rhapsodies (fugees, queen) to walk to school every day
- ppl don't see the real me right....the just see my acne pro'lem
- I haven't played squash in forever
- can't wait to finally play, damn you college , you better be open!!!
- 2 more weeks.....and i can finally be at peace in lethbridge
- 2 more weeks and one day....i'll be bored of lethbridge
- I'm thinking i might switch out of science and becoming an arts prof
- in arts you speak your own heart, something you can't do in science at this point in my life
- why do ppl become engineers or computer scientists?
- i got six comments last post (2 Torbiak ones!!! YAY!!!)
- why do ppl go in engineering? Jordan?
- i'm hoping that it is six courses that is making this semester appear hard, and not my deteriating brain
- i'm sorry that i have seem distant these past two months or so....twas life....blame life....
- i shall never leave my precious blog again!!!
- i forget why i started this sec....
- oh i see.....
- very well perhaps i end now.....
- good day
- y'all

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Well Prince Ali fans.....tis been too long....too long....

Many a day have you waited for this moment, and i will try not to dissapoint. I wish i could say that this will be the longest period of time that i ever leave you, but i cannot promise anything. I can only give you the prince ali promise that he will do everything in his power to blog. Thus i am planning the addition of some new regular post categories.....dunh dunh Dunh!!!

and they are.....

Prince's Past Ponderations & Snowball Says.

The first will be of past recollections, which are ever so fun, and knowing me they are very racy, sexy, eventful, action-pact... The latter will be of the ever-so-lovable snowball's (snow-bu) philosophical ramblings. This is basically in response to Tanooki's crippity crap crap i must show him how a real stuffed animal with style talks.

I may try to recap my crazy last two months, of which i did not blog to often, but at this point in time, so much stuff has happened, that i forget it all..........but it will come back through time, and i'm sure snowball will bring it up, in his numerous posts.......

But in case you don't know who snowball is, i'll let him introduce himself...

*splinter voice* Hello my pupils. I am the one whom is refered to as Snowball. Many of you already know this. In fact all who know young Majid, must know of me, for we are one he and I, we are like the earth and sky, one family under the sun. Tears of pain, tears of joy, ones that nothing can destroy, we are more than we are, we are one (only the protector of Mercapto would know where that rhyme is from). For 13 years i have observed this world, and have often contemplated the images I have received from it in my corner of contemplation. I have learned much. And hopefully through my posts, I will be able to share my conclusions with you. I do not know all, my dear friends, but i know what i know, and what i know you should know, for what i know and what you know was meant to be known by all that have the knowledge to know (the only exception is scott jones....everything must be said behind his back).

Snowball Iqbal is a simple monkey...though he often refers to himself in third person. I was freed from the family fun centre by the one an only Prince Ali and his 1000 points. There i was forced to leave my good brothers of different races...but they were just gorillas, with no brains, and Majid picked me, for he saw that i was more than just a stuffed monkey. The lone white symbolic, for majid for so long was the lone brown human...though this decision was most likely made unconsciously. But that was the moment i was truly born. And later that day, i was named. Snowball...may not sound original, but it was to Majid. The last name actually played no part in the naming, but it is quite the funny coincidence. Though, what's important , is that from that moment, i have developed into the thing that you see before you, the thing that types these very words right now. We are not so different you and i....both born...both named....(both white...hehe...i kid i kid...i'm not racist...)....Perhaps we shall see this in my future i say to you, good day....