Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I have added some security to the blog now. All people are allowed to blog, but you now have to use word verification to publish a comment. I'm sorry for teh inconvenience this will cause my faithful readers (but i know you'll keep commenting.....for Mr. Maji :D), but don't blame me, blame teh goddamn ad-ppl. Hopefully this will stop those bastards from posting on my blog, but then again they are smarter than they look. Let us pray.........................

~ y'all know me by now

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Damn You Ad-fiends

Yeah, if you haven't noticed, i get a lot of add comments. So i decided to only allow registered users to comment. So Mr. Horatio Hufnagel (The Contrabulous Fantraptions of) you must register. For me, Adam, for me. And Dick and possibly jordan, and all you ad-posting bastards.

That is all.

~ Prince Ali, Fabulous He, M.D.

Friday, August 26, 2005

i saw a skunk

I mean i have seen one before, but only from a distance. But one walked right infront of me last night, as I was walking home from botterell hall, after tampering with my brother's experiments. And it wasn't no small ass skunk, it was a bigass mosocka. Fortunately I don't smell like Kevin Dyck, otherwise the skunk would prolly start humping my leg. Poor kevin.....poor poor kevin. Speaking of stink, the guy who sat next to me in the plan, stunk bigtime!!! I asked his name and he said Devin Dyck. Coincidence? I think not. My god some ppl, just get some old spice or something. Or Calvin Klein Eternity, but then you would smell too good, and then the skunk would whistle for his skunk posse and possum homeboys (POSSUM!!!) and then they would rape you royally.

Anyways, I paid fees today, and i officially i have like 3 thou to last a year. That goddamn loan better come soon and come big. I don't want to ask my dad to send me money, I got to tough it out and be my own man. Sometimes though, I wish i was nigel............

But then i look at the rest of his life......I'm sorry i'm so mean.....and racist......and sexy? Yes, yes i am. Well there you go, my first really pointless blog. The transition is now complete.....

Good Day. Fo' sho'. fo' fo'.

~ Prince Ali

PS) Crap, i think i missed Trung's triumphant return to lethbridge, but then again, so did trung, if you num sayin

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

in the k-town

So i'm back in hockeytown, USA. And trust me the people look like they play a lot of hockey. They have about three teeth................. and adam hufnagel noses (forgiva-me adam). If they didn't have the uni here, this would prolly be Canada's ugliest city (actually there prolly should be no prolly in that sentence).

So anyways, I didn't sleep the night befo' my flight, and then i couldn't sleep during my flight, cause i got aisle seats and the godamn attendents kept hitting my legs with their goddamn carts, and i can't put my legs anywhere else cause its Air Canada, but don't get me started on Air Canada. Did you know you have to pay for meals now?!!!! I know!!!! 5 bucks for a crap sandwich. 7 bucks for a crap fruit bowl. What the hell?!!!

Anyways, perhaps i will bash Air Canada in another blog, but not today. So anyways, I don't sleep till night time at like 11:00, and my arms were trembling with weakness. And i woke up 2:00 pm the next day. That's karaaaazy!!! I prolly have major brain damage now, roald dahl, roald dahl.

Also it smells here, like southern alberta farms, but its human poo, instead of cow poo. And its in teh water instead of just being in hutterite infested areas. But the scenery is much better, i'll give it that. Anyways, i only have like 8 days left here, so another countdown begins. Holy Crap I'm going to TO!!! country boy hitting the bigtime!!! everyday shall be an adventure there, and you know what that means? yup, more blogs.

Good Day.

~ Prince Ali

PS) I got a haircut, by a salon guy, and i look pimp.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Goodbye Lethbridge

It is time folks. My Lethbridge summer is over.

Though it was filled with work, I did have much fun. Much squash was played, though its never enough. Much sitting in boredom was done, though it is never enough. I leave you my friends, to a strange new place (at least to me), hoping to come back even stronger, and ten times more beautiful. And as you all know, these things will happen for a surety.

I leave you all now with each your own individual words of advise:

Nigel - Donkey Konga was kinda fun, though like all of your games, they die fast. I'm sorry I am not there to aid in your journey through school, so you must be strong, and resist the urge to doodle on the person that sits behind you's binder. I know, I know it is tough, but it is necessary. And I'm sure one day you will become a full indian, so that you may marry any woman of any race, and your children can get money, so that you will never have to work to pay for their school and lives.

Adam - One day Adam, you will meet the Spanish girl of your dreams. But it is not this day. Nor is it in the next ten years. I'm sorry. I have seen it. But don't worry, if you come to TO, you will eventually meet her, and if you don't come, then you will mormanally arranged. And you wouldn't want that. Plus you need to get out of your room. Me telling you this is ironic, for i am the one who has forced you into that room. Oh, and btw, you owe me big-time for hooking you up to the net. But not only will you meet this girl, but your nose will form a proper nose, though your feet will continue in its hobbit-like evolution. But we all must pay a price.

Jordan - Gordo....your name means fat in spanish. I'm sorry Adam i couldn't hold it in. It is quite giggle-worthy. And to you Fat i say this: heart is not enough on its own. You can have heart, but you can still take a beating. You need the killer instinct. The drive. You must want to win, but at teh same time not expect to win. Play points one at a time. And try not to think of past mistakes; focus on teh moment. And stop getting mono. And quit the chinese students' club. We can't win jordan we just can't, there are too many. But keep on working hard, and perhaps one day I will give you an entry-level job at my future company.

Dick - I see potential in you Dicky Mac. That is why you get a Managerial position at my future company. You will be responsible for keeping a host of asians and gordon, in line. You need to leave this place Richard.

Ben - Why did you leave me all summer? You missed much good squash, and squash-related frustration, and the loudest scream of anguish i have ever heard. And it surprisingly came from none other than Commissioner Gordon. But you prolly had more fun in Waterton, but you had no me. And me is everything. We all missed you ben. Well moreso your basement. Next you go in the summer, give each of us a key. That is my advice to you. Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl, mokay.

Majid - My God, you're beautiful!!!

And that is all. Farewell Lethbridge, land of no change. In this crazy changing world, I need a place like you to provide me with the comfort of not having to worry about nothing, cause nothing that bad can happen in Lethbridge.

I leave you now, as I seek out new lands, with my top homie by my side, snowball (AKA snow-bu).

Good Day.

~ Prince Ali and Snow-bu

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Two days to go. So much to do.

My clothes fit into a suitcase.

My life fits into a box.

A shoe box.

A puma shoe box.

A red puma shoe box.

For some reason that makes me kinda sad........

Tuesday, August 16, 2005





Saturday, August 13, 2005

New links!!!

I have added both scotts to the links section. Its pretty sad, everyone in lethbridge blogs. CAUSE ITS SOOOOOO FUN HERE!!!!!!! But i'm sure Scotty T will provide you with some memorable blogs, though he does not post no mo', and then scojo will do his best to reach for that rainbow. So two new blogs check them out. If you would like to add your blog to the list, please contact me, at:

"The Prince's Palace"
c/o Prince Ali, Fabulous He, PhD

Good day to y'all, till our next encounter.....

~ Prince Ali

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

To the T dot (part one)

See this was the school situation:

I needed specific classes, so that i could finish my degree in four years, and if i didn't get them i would be doomed. My backup plan was queen's, but the problem is the money. Living by myself would just cost too much money, like twenty thou a year. But living with big bro, in TO, would cost much less per person, and plus he'll have money to buy me raptors tickets (yippee!!!).

Anyways, Queen's was then made the backup to the backup plan. If i didn't get shit from TO, then i would have went there. If i could get at least a couple of my required classes, then i would have just done all the requirements for medschool, and then entered early. Easier said than done, but if that's how it would go, then that's waht i got to do. And if I could get it all, then i would be set, and could choose medschool early, or degree then medschool. And then, more school, and then life, hot wife, kids, big house, backyard grove and oasis, etc.

So twelve hours after my surgery i wake up to head to the U of L, to register for my U of T courses. I got there at about 3:50 in the morn. I had to wait ten minutes, cause the web service didn't open until 4:00. So then, I can't log in. ...........................And do you know why? Cause every freakin kid in the world is registering right at that time. Lucky me. So even on 100.0 Mbps (which is the theoretical maximum, as i am told, and i don't know why that is so), the U of T thing is slow as hell, nonono, slow as Trung. Poor little guy.

And so I can't get in for the first 20 minutes. And the last time i checked there were only 80 chem spots left, from an original 5000, on the opening day of registration. Cause when i registered back on july 25th, 4920 spots were gone in two hours. Psycho, psycho kids. And so, teh rest were left for those, who were in second year like me, to pick up at 4 in th morn, and if we didn't get it, we were screwed, or at least i was.

So anyways, i get on, and click "add course". It takes 2 minutes to load. And i see that there are now only 6 spaces left. And the only class available totally conflicted with many other courses already registered. but i had to take it.

Next came physics, But that seemed to work out very nicely. there were like 50 spaces left, and it fit in quite well to my schedule.

I needed a social science option, but 200 level, cause 100 level would have just screwed me over in teh long run. And so i picked, "psychology of Religion", no idea what the hell it is, but seriously it was the only one i could pick. And guess how many spaces were left? 2! 2 spaces. I lucked out pretty bad.

Okay so now i had a max course load, but some major course conflicts. Lucky for me, they were all conflicts with english courses. I only needed a year's worth (2 english classes) of english, but i signed up for three just in case, something like this were to happen. I had two short story classes (i hate margaret lawrence), and one sci fi film class. They all conflicted with chem and or physics. and so I had to get rid of there asses.

So what did i pick? I picked the final f****n spot, of yearlong shakespeare. Damn right, i'm a shakespeare man. It wasn't available before, but ppl must have dropped it within that very hour i was there, and so i got me the final spot. And honestly, 12 plays, in a year, ain't so bad. Sure beats margaret lawrence, and albert (not albérto) camus. And plus i'm a poetic superstar as you can see, so i will totally ace that class, cause i can compete so good with all teh english major nerds.....*sniff*. I'm kinda scared, but what can i do, hamiright?

So i have, 6 in the first semester, and 5 in the next, but for the first time in a little while, life seems to be taking a good path. All my problems seem to be solved, and now i can start afresh in the beautifully smauged city of TO.

What awaits me in the blue?
find out for yourself in part two.....
i am now signing out, g'day to you,
This is prince ali, and i pity da foo'

Monday, August 08, 2005

On the subject of wisdom:

Just a little change of style from the past two posts. I officially have 4 registered viewers (by registered i mean those who leave comments)!!! So now I am ranked in the top ten most viewed blogs in teh world, cause ppl actually somewhat care about mine. I feel so loved......yet so lonely ( *chipmunk singing voice* lonely, i am so lonely, I have no body, for my own, oh-ooooooo). .

Anyways, I got my wisdom teeth out today, and the sedation worked beeeeeeee-u-tif-ly. I didn't notice a thing, all i did was think, staring up into a light. And for that 30 mins, I achieved ultimate peace.....oh drugs, whatt can't you do, what, can't, you, do?

as you can see i'm still drugged, but it really isn't affecting my mind. I recovered pretty fast. They wheelchaired me to the car, but I could have easily walked, cause i was able to walk very easily in my house. I know, I'm quite the trooper. My cheeks aren't frozen no mo', but my chin and my bottom lip are for some reason. Crazy nurse lady, can't even apply novacane properly. Actually its prolly from the shot they put into your teeth, and the blood just carried it there to the lip, and so that takes a while to heal up.

Anyways, my point is, whether wisdom teeth are vestigial or not, I am no dumber. If anything I am smarter, which i know is impossible, but if adidas commercials have taught me anything it is that nothing is impossible. And they told me to buy those shoes... *sigh* ..... *barry white singing in background* .

Anyways, I'll post part three sometime, but perhaps not today, cause i need to wake up at 4 in the morn to go register for the u of t, and the u of l. I hate dialup. so frickiny, frackany slow.

Anyways, g'day to y'all.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Look! I now have links to the sites of my beloved friends. Although if you want excitement, stick to my blog here, cause that's (as the kids like to say) "where the partay is at".

~ Dr. Prince